There are numerous start-ups now-a-days. These have brought in a big shift in the work culture and the traditional workplaces. Many people are choosing co-working and shared workspaces over accomplishing their work at homes. They want to mingle with the crowd and like to network with similar minded professionals.
Co-Working and Introverts?
Do you think, the very setup of a co-working space can be intimidating, if one is an introvert? Not necessarily. Unlike what most others think, introverts do like to come out and bond with people over a cup of hot coffee. They do not loath the crowds but give preference to the quality of the crowd and not the number. Introverts like to spend time with themselves, to recharge and rejuvenate but they definitely do not like to be all alone in this big world.

Co-working space provides a thriving environment from all types of people and introverts are no different. They get the things they yearn for, at the same time, it is on their own terms. An introvert has his/her own way of working in a co-working culture. Read below on how they cope with this and continue to give the best on the work front.
- Co-working spaces come with some cubicles which are away from the noise and offer you the much needed space and privacy to carry on with your work. The work spaces are quiet and you can be all by yourself.
- You can choose an area which is not very busy and attracts lesser number of people and conversations. Remember, though an introvert likes to communicate, he/she cannot indulge in small talk. So such areas provide the perfect place for an introvert.
- An introvert in a co-working culture gets introduced to a variety of people from different backgrounds, experiences and jobs. Even the minimal interactions that you have, will give you essential insights into a lot of aspects.
- You have the freedom to lunch all by yourself or with a small group of people.
- Introverts tend to use headphones when working. They get to listen to their favourite music and also send out a signal to others that they are not interested in any kind of discussion.
- People actually start indulging in small talk. Though you are not a person who goes all out with greetings and asking about others’ welfare, just for the sake of it, you can try and make something useful out of such confrontations. Some conversations may turn interesting.
- Most of the shared work spaces have rooms complete with bean bags, books, etc. for relaxation. One can make the most of them and have their private space and time.
- There are a number of activities and events taking place in co-working places, every week. It is not mandatory to participate but taking part in some of the activities in a month will loosen you up and make you feel great.
- Constantly moving about in the working space also makes you choose the best spot for yourself. You can meet new people and get to know them.
A co-working space truly brings out the corporate yet informal vibes in everyone housed within it. They help everyone in bringing out the best in them and make them adaptable to different situations and people. Make the best use of them.