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, Managed Office Space

What is Managed Offices and How to Select ?

In this competitive corporate environment, finding the perfect workspace is key to achieving the desired efficiency, productivity, and overall satisfaction for the workers of your company. We have many kinds of workspaces like virtual spaces, working from home, traditional offices, coworking spaces, etc. But according to the modern trend and well within reason, one kind of workspace is now gaining popularity- Managed Offices. These offices are popular for their hassle-free way to set up and maintain a professional environment. We will be dwelling on Managed Office Spaces in this blog to understand the characteristics of this type of workspace and what all are the things we should keep in mind while we select a good Managed Office Space.

Managed Offices and Their Characteristics

Managed offices or Managed office spaces are now emerging as one of the best working solutions due to the comfort and convenience they provide. This is because they are fully serviced and fully furnished which makes shifting into a new office space hassle-free and takes a huge load off the employers. The office spaces, the technology to work with, and other amenities are some of the most interesting features of managed offices. These office spaces can be rented out without the complexities and additional costs of the traditional office workspaces. Managed office spaces typically include features such as:

  1. Fully Furnished Office Space: Desks, chairs, storage units, and other important office supplies are also provided in the managed offices which lifts all the burden from the employer’s head and makes setting up a new workspace hassle-free.
  2. IT and Telecommunication Infrastructure: High-speed internet connectivity, effective telecommunication systems, and other technical infrastructure are present in the managed office spaces to ensure a smooth way of communication for any company that opts for managed workspaces.
  3. Maintenance and Cleaning Services: Maintenance and cleaning of all the services provided are also the headache of the managed office space providers. They will look into all the trivial operational tasks associated with the office space while the workers can concentrate on the core problems of the company.
  4. Reception and Administrative Support: Professional reception services, mail handling, and administrative support are often included in the agreement when choosing a managed office space. They also facilitate the operational activities of an office which lifts you from the trivial burdens of running a company.
  5. Shared Amenities: Access to shared amenities such as meeting rooms, conference facilities, kitchens, and lounges, are also some of the attractive features of managed office spaces. This also results in fostering a collaborative and comfortable work environment where the workers can showcase optimum productivity.

Important Factors of Managed Offices to Look for When Selecting One

  1. Location and Accessibility:
    People have always historically moved towards places that have an abundance of resources that make our lives easier. These are mostly now major cities where the people now also desire to work. Therefore, the location and accessibility of the offices are a key factor when it comes to selecting an ideal managed office space as the location dictates most of the other factors like employees, reach towards clients, tech and other resources, etc. 
  2. Flexibility in Lease Terms:
    The cost of the lease is also a concerning factor, especially for a startup company that has a very volatile nature when it comes to the scale of the business and the workspace it needs. Companies that are in their nascent stages usually change workspaces based on their performance, so, a flexible lease agreement along with the office appliances and other technological equipment and amenities are a necessity for such companies. Managed offices already have all the appliances installed and the rent or lease is usually every month which makes the lease very flexible. This is a point one must seriously look at while investing in a managed office space.
  3. Comprehensive Services and Support:
    Managing the services and support for the employees can be a chaotic task that can take up a lot of time which results in a dip in productivity as the employers are then unable to focus on the core problems of the company. So, with managed offices, they usually take up all the responsibility for the company’s  IT support, administrative assistance, and facility management. This makes the running of the company much easier as everyone can focus on the company’s actual goals.
  4. Modern and Comfortable Work Environment:
    The productivity and efficiency of any employee can be affected by a large proportion due to the conditions or the environment they work. Managed offices have this too sorted out as these office spaces use ergonomic furniture, ample natural light, and well-maintained communal areas to ensure that the workers are in their most comfortable state while working. By making sure that the working environment is comfortable for the employees, we can take away the burden of an irritating work environment and let them focus on the core targets of the company.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness:
    Managed offices can be a cost-effective solution compared to traditional office spaces. When selecting a fully furnished office space, consider the overall cost, including rent, utilities, and services. Managed offices often bundle these costs into a single monthly fee, providing businesses with a predictable and manageable expense structure. Additionally, the savings on setup costs and maintenance can make managed offices an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

Businesses wishing to set up office space without the hassles of typical leases can find managed offices to be a handy, flexible, and affordable option. Managed offices offer fully equipped workspaces, all-inclusive packages, and contemporary facilities to meet the ever-changing demands of modern organisations. Find the perfect workplace for your company by taking into account many aspects including location, cost-effectiveness, services offered, lease flexibility, and work atmosphere when choosing a managed office space for rent. Accept the advantages of managed workspaces and learn how they can improve operations and expansion for your company.

Looking for Attractive Options for Managed Offices?

Then come join us! We provide you with all the features you would need for the smooth functioning of your company. We provide all the advantages as mentioned earlier and some more. That’s just our touch of excellence in everything we do! We have office space cable to accommodate 100-1000 people. We provide some of the most sought-after technological equipment and other essential amenities and this makes Goodworks Cowork the best option for you when it comes to selecting a managed office space as we are one of the leading brands in providing any kind of office space. We also take pride in the fact that we have offices in all prime locations throughout the tech capital of the country. So get in touch with us and let’s make your dream working environment a reality.


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