
Virtual Collaboration: Tools and Tips for Remote Teams in Co-Working Spaces

The remote mode of working has brought about a drastic change in the working pattern of all the companies. Nowadays, we focus a lot on virtual collaboration as that is a key mode of collaboration when different teams or even members within a team reside in different parts of the world and work in remote spaces. To understand the concept of virtual collaboration, let us first understand what the term means, then let us go through some tools used for effective virtual collaboration and finally, we will also look at some tips to enhance virtual collaboration.

What Is Virtual Collaboration?

Virtual collaboration refers to all the collaborative effort done with the help of digital tools and technologies that support offices with what they need in a digital format. This collaboration is irrespective of the place from where the members are joining as with the power of the internet it could be from anywhere around the world. Although it is seen more frequently in remote mode of working where all employees work from their preferred remote location, traditional offices also use this nowadays to get in contact with various branches and even for the clients who may not be in the same geographical location as they are. The process of virtual collaboration includes many sub-processes like virtual meetings, document sharing, project management, and communication through email, chat, and video conferencing.

Tools Used for Virtual Collaboration:

  1. Video Conferencing Platforms:

While we talk about collaboration, its purest form can only be attained through video conferencing as we can interact live with anyone in an audio-visual format which almost emulates our real-life conversations. Although Skype revolutionaries this field of technology, now tools like Zoom, google meet, and Microsoft teams are used for video conferencing in the workplace.

  1. Project Management Software:

Everything from hiring an employee to their training and even assigning them to work on a day-to-day basis can be done through online platforms that need only a minimal level of human intervention. Platforms like Asana, Trello, and Basecamp are effective tools that are used to manage projects, track progress, assign tasks, and collaborate on shared projects and workflows. These platforms have made remote work an easy way of organising in the workplace.

  1. Document Sharing and Collaboration Tools:

Documents such as project reports, employee evaluations, presentations, etc. are key documents that are a must in any establishment. Therefore, the storage and transfer of these documents are given utmost importance even in remote workspaces. Platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive help in storing, sharing, and collaborating on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in the cloud, ensuring seamless access and version control.

  1. Instant Messaging and Chat Applications:

A lively workspace often results in a morale boost within the employees which now seems hard to achieve because of the new remote work culture where people are at different places and only attend meetings for work-related chatter. Here, tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Discord can help as they facilitate real-time communication and collaboration through instant messaging, group chats, and channels, enabling remote teams to stay connected and communicate effectively. 

Tips for Virtual Collaboration in Co-Working Spaces:

  1. Establish Clear Communication Channels:

Communication is key in carrying out any tasks in the workplace like hiring employees, training them according to their specific skill set, assigning new roles, or even assessing their current progress or even their future potential. For all these tasks maintaining clear communication channels is of utmost importance, especially in a remote workspace where the key aspect of proximity cannot be maintained. Therefore, establishing clear communication channels is a very important factor in this case.

  1. Set Expectations and Deadlines For Employees:

Employees must have a clear idea of what they are expected to do and what the deadlines for its completion are. This is the prime motivator for employees concerning the completion of their assigned tasks. Through clear ideals of working and clear deadlines, the work will be completed within the agreed-upon time.

  1. Promote Regular Check-Ins and Updates:

A regular update is a basic need for a manager as they are the ones responsible for monitoring the progress of any task assigned to a subordinate. The regular check-ins and updates ensure that the task is going on the right path. It can also be used to rectify employees when they go onto some unwanted territories which consequently avoids miscommunication or time wastage. The regular updates reassure the managers that the subordinates are on the right path.

  1. Encourage Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:

Collaboration is the one aspect that undeniably gets the most hit while shifting from a traditional workspace to a remote workspace. This is because collaboration is the purest when people are present in a moment in the physical world. Through this collaboration, we can also promote knowledge sharing. Remote workspaces have many tools as we discussed earlier that almost dissolve the problem of proximity and promote a more collaborative workspace. Digital parallels like broadcasting channels or non-work related groups can facilitate conversations between employees.

For distant teams operating in co-working spaces to effectively communicate, collaborate, and accomplish common objectives, virtual collaboration is crucial. Remote teams can overcome the limitations of flexibility and distance by utilising the appropriate tools and virtual collaborative best practices, which will increase productivity and efficiency in co-working environments. Accepting virtual collaboration is crucial for developing teamwork, creativity, and innovation in the modern workplace as remote work continues to change. If you are interested in such coworking spaces for affordable rates and experience the finest coworking experience.


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